When it comes to learning Spanish, speaking is one of the most important parts. But, many times learners are tempted to not practice speaking because they are waiting for a magical moment to have everything figured out before they speak. However, this has the opposite effect on many learners.
The longer you wait to try speaking, the more you’ll feel like you just don’t know enough quite yet to speak.
Think about how a toddler learns their first language…they learn by babbling on. After a few months of observations, a baby begins their journey to speaking through babbling. As they become a toddler, it still takes quite a while before their words begin to make sense. However, this process is necessary. It would be odd for a toddler to speak perfectly from the very start.
Learning to SPEAK Spanish is the same. We learn by doing. Here at BTG Spanish where you can learn Spanish online, we tell learners to start putting themselves out there no matter what level they are at. And, as you embark on your journey to learn Spanish online, we’d like to encourage you to do the same. Even if it’s just an “Hola” or a “¿Cómo estás?” it’s worth putting yourself out there now to prevent from getting stuck in a fear of speaking.
You may be asking…well, what if the person you’re talking to starts speaking fast, and you get lost and it spirals from there??! What then? Well here are two simple phrases that we’d like to teach you now so that you are thoroughly prepared for if and when that happens:
“Más despacio, por favor” (“Slower, please”)
“Todavía estoy aprendiendo español. No te entendí.” (“I’m still learning Spanish. I didn’t understand you.”)
Now, you’re prepared! So, go out there and speak Spanish to some people. And, share your experiences with us!
And, how do you practice speaking if you have decided to learn Spanish online? There are countless opportunities, one of which is the BTG Spanish program. We equip adults to learn Spanish online by matching our learners with native speakers, as well as providing grammar classes for beginner and intermediated learners. On top of that, we provide coaching sessions for all of our learners as they learn Spanish online.
Interested in learning more? Book a discovery call to see how we can get you matched with a native speaker and learn Spanish online today!