If you’re like most parents of elementary school kids, you’ve probably been curious to know what Spanish they are learning in school. And, maybe you’re even intrigued enough to learn some Spanish yourself too. That’s why we’ve put together this list of helpful phrases to learn and practice at home with your kids.
Around the dinner table is the perfect place to help them get some Spanish practice in and for the whole family to have some fun. So, we’ve got 10 phrases for you (with audio included!!). We suggest that you introduce these phrases over the course of a few weeks instead of all at once. When your family feels comfortable using all 10 phrases, celebrate by having a special dessert. And, bonus points if it’s a Latin American dessert! Check out some ideas here.
Let’s dive in!
- ¡Lávate las manos antes de comer! — Wash your hands before eating!
- La comida está lista. — The food is ready. (Or, turn this into a question…¿Está lista la comida?)
- Bendigamos la comida. — Let’s bless the food.
- Siéntate bien en la silla, por favor. — Sit properly in the chair, please.
- Prueba un poco de todo. — Try a little bit of everything.
- Pásame el pan, por favor. — Pass the bread, please. (Of course, this can be used for any food item. Check out this list of foods to learn more!)
- ¿Te gusta la comida? — Do you like the food?
- Cómelo todo. — Eat it all. (Or, turn this into a question…¿Tengo que comerlo todo? — Do I have to eat it all?)
- ¿Quieres más pollo? — Do you want more chicken? (Or, turn this into a statement…Quiero más pollo. — I want more chicken.) (Check out other foods that may be helpful to know here!)
- Gracias por ayudar a recoger la mesa. — Thanks for helping clear the table.
So, there you have it…10 dinner time phrases! Let us know how incorporating this list into your family dinner times goes. We’d love to hear! Comment below.
Read next:
💡10 Helpful Spanish Phrases for Ordering at a Mexican Restaurant
💡10 Romantic Ways to Say “I Love You” in Spanish (both with audio)
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