Ordering food at your local taqueria or authentic Mexican restaurant is one of the best ways to practice. Not only are you practicing your Spanish, but you’re also rewarding yourself with some amazing food. That’s a win-win in my book! We’ve got 10 phrases lined up for you to use when ordering. We’ve even thrown in a few bonus phrases that you can use to ask your waiter/waitress to speak slower if necessary. Let’s take a look!

Side note: don’t be afraid to mention to the waiter/waitress that you are still learning Spanish before ordering. And, even take it a step further (especially if they also speak English) and ask if it’s okay for you to practice with them by ordering in Spanish. This will take soooo much pressure off! No need to try and impress, just do your best and forget the rest wink

  1. ¿Tienen una mesa para uno (dos, tres, cuatro…)? — Do you have a table for one (two, three, four…)?

  2. ¿Nos puede traer el menú, por favor? — Can you bring us a menu, please? (Or, if it’s just you…¿Me puede traer el menú, por favor?)

  3. ¿Qué recomienda? — What do you recommend?

  4. Voy a pedir… — I am going to order (You can also say…”Quisiera _______, por favor”, meaning “I’d like _____”…)

  5. ¿Este plato lleva carne/picante/gluten/…? — Does this dish have meat/spice/gluten/…?

  6. Soy alérgico/a a… — I am allergic to… (This can be used for any food item. Check out this list of foods to learn some food vocab!)

  7. ¿Puedo pedirlo sin…? — Can I order it without…? (Again, this can be used for any food item. Check out this list of foods to learn some food vocab!)

  8. ¿Nos puede traer más…, por favor? — Can you bring us more…? (Or, if it’s just you…¿Me puede traer más…, por favor? Check out this list of foods to learn some food vocab!)

  9. Estamos listos para la cuenta. — We are ready for the check. (Or, if it’s just you…Estoy listo/a para la cuenta.)

  10. Voy a pagar en efectivo/con tarjeta. — I am going to pay in cash/with card.

  11. Estoy aprendiendo español. ¿Puedo practicar pedir en español? — I am learning Spanish. Can I practice ordering in Spanish?

  12. ¿Puede hablar más despacio, por favor? — Can you speak slower, please?

So, there you have it…10 helpful Spanish phrases to use when ordering at a restaurant!

Here’s some bonus phrases you might like:

  • Le encargo la cuenta – “Can you bring me the check?” (Polite/formal)
  • ¿Gustan algo de tomar? – “Would you like something to drink?” (Polite/plural)
  • Para mí – “For me”
  • ¿Todo en orden? – “Is everything okay?” / “Everything in order?”
  • ¿Poco de pan? – “A little bread?”
  • Buenas noches – “Good evening” / “Good night”
  • Buenas tardes – “Good afternoon”
  • Una mesa para dos por favor – “A table for two please”
  • Yo quiero – “I want”

Read next:

💡10 Spanish Phrases to Use at the Dinner Table

💡10 Romantic Ways to Say “I Love You” in Spanish (both with audio)

Interested in visiting and sharing restaurants that are super friendly with Spanish learners?? Check out this amazing database, The BRDG. And, let us know about the next time you order in Spanish. We’d love to hear about it! Comment below.

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